
Meet an Engineer: Harvin Flores


We’re wrapping up Engineers Week 2020 today by introducing you to Harvin Flores. Harvin is a transportation engineer based out of Boise. He has 17 years of industry experience.

What inspired you to pursue a career in engineering?

Growing up, I had an uncle that was a civil engineer and he was definitely a big influence for me. Engineering seemed like a fun job and I liked the idea of designing a project and having the opportunity to be out there inspecting it.

What do you enjoy most about your career in engineering?

There are many things that I truly enjoy about engineering. I enjoy the team work and collaboration that goes into successfully completing a project. I also enjoy the interaction with the public and local agencies to come up with the best solution for everybody.

I also really like how engineering allows you a certain degree of creativity when dealing with complex problems and the opportunity to provide unique and meaningful solutions.

But the thing I enjoy the most about engineering is the sense of accomplishment I get when I drive past one of my projects. Being able to see the families and kids running around a project reminds me that my job has an immediate positive impact on society, connecting people and improving their lives.

What advice would you give to someone pursuing a career in engineering?

My advice for someone that wants to pursue a career in engineering is to get an internship with an engineering company while attending school. It will give you a glimpse of what that career field looks like and also a good real world understanding of engineering. An internship will also give you a chance to begin building your professional network and getting to know your colleagues in the local area.


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