
Meet Our Summer 2021 Interns


This year we are pleased to welcome nine interns to Parametrix for an immersive and educational experience. We asked each of them to share a little about themselves, their goals, and why they chose Parametrix for their internship. Read their responses below!

Matthew Hagen

Matthew Hagen | Bremerton, WA | Transportation

Education: George Fox University, 2022, Civil Engineering

Hometown: Gig Harbor, WA

Why Parametrix? I interned with the Washington State Department of Transportation last summer and worked on a project where Parametrix was the consultant. I developed a great relationship with some of the employees at Parametrix to where it now led into an internship here! I actually was able to work on the same project from the Parametrix side as I did before with WSDOT which provided a neat experience.

Goals: During the few months of my internship, I hope to learn applicable skills, gain exposure to a variety of projects, form strong relationships with co-workers, and enjoy the transportation work I get to be a part of. I am looking forward to making connections, seeing how Parametrix leads strongly in their industry, and understanding how projects go from an idea to completion.

Future: I’d love to work within the traffic engineering sector of transportation to understand and help solve congestion issues, intersection designs, and work with software modeling in hope to serve all those who use the transportation network in making a safer and more efficient system! I have lived in the Pacific Northwest my whole life and love the area, so I could likely see myself in this region but who knows what could be ahead.

Personal: I’m grateful to be a part of a great team in the Bremerton transportation department and the larger collective company who have all been so welcoming!

Cathy Nguyen

Cathy Nguyen | Bend, OR | Community Building

Education: I will be graduating from Oregon State University this summer with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering! (Go Beavs!)

Hometown: Beaverton, OR

Why Parametrix? I am actually a part of the CECOP program at my university. In this program, we are assigned to a company for a 6-month internship. I was chosen to work as an intern for the Bend Office of Parametrix. I was very ecstatic when I heard the news that I got selected to Parametrix. I have heard so many positive things about Parametrix and how amazing the work environment is here.

Goals: My goal is to learn more about the civil engineering field and to gain experience from my internship. I look forward to working on projects that will be both challenging and a new learning experience. Looking forward to diving deep into my work!

Future: I want to partake in projects that can create better infrastructures in society. This includes helping local communities improve by creating sustainable designs through proficient engineering practices. I also see myself working on large projects that will integrate newer technologies into the project. With newer LIDAR/ 3D modeling technology being integrated into our designs, I look forward to seeing improvements that future technology brings into a project.

Personal: I enjoy learning about 2D/3D modeling. The potential of these innovating technology brings forth better solutions and new ways to explore engineering (plus, it’s cool!) Outside of work, I’ve been learning how to do digital art, indulge in tea, and enjoy traveling with my friends.

Nathan Schremser

Nathan Schremser | Portland, OR | Transportation

Education: Oregon State University, Civil Engineering, Graduating June 2022, Intention to pursue Master’s in Engineering degree

Hometown: University Place, WA

Why Parametrix? I chose to intern at Parametrix due to its role in the Interstate Bridge Replacement program. The massive scale of this project with all of its different uses and its role as a community-connector made it the perfect choice to gain real-world experience and help create a lasting impact.

Goals: Learn more about the fundamental skills, technology, and processes that transportation engineers are typically expected to use while learning how an engineering firm operates.

Future: Be in the process for earning P.E. certification, have stable early career in engineering, and begin making an impact in communities.

Personal: Always like road trips and traveling, fan of Seattle sports, and giving back and getting involved in the community.

Matthew Verran

Matthew Verran | Tacoma, WA | Community Building

Education: I am attending Purdue University. I will be graduating with a bachelor’s in civil engineering emphasis in structures in May 2022. I will then be graduating with a master’s in civil engineering in May 2023.

Hometown: Puyallup, WA, home of the Puyallup Fair!

Why Parametrix: Back in high school I had the opportunity to job shadow Matt Kastberg for a day where he took me to two of his projects. During this job shadow I saw firsthand the variety of projects I would be able to work on at Parametrix. After my freshman and sophomore years of college I interned with the Walsh Group and was able to learn about construction management from the contractor’s perspective but wanted to learn more about different roles within civil engineering. When I looked further into Parametrix I realized that I would have the opportunity to work on construction projects as the owner’s representative.

Goals: During my internship I hope to learn the role of the owner’s representative in construction projects. With my emphasis in college being in structural engineering I hope to also get some experience or at least see what a career in design might entail. During my internship I am looking forward to learning more about the culture of Parametrix and the variety of projects employee-owners work on in their respective fields.

Future: In five years I see myself working on infrastructure projects that shape the community where they are built. I have always been fascinated with the large infrastructure projects surrounding water such as bridges, dams and piers. I hope to work in the Pacific Northwest as I have learned from my time in the Midwest there is no substitute for the Mountains, Ocean, and Evergreens.

Personal: I enjoy crabbing in the Puget sound and have always enjoyed hiking the trails of Washington. Since I go to school in the Midwest, I have enjoyed two road trips and have another one planned before next school year that will take me to over 7 national parks. Finally, I have played electric guitar (my favorite guitar is the Eric Clapton Fender Stratocaster with noiseless pickups) in several bands including rock, jazz, and worship.

Palmer Sandeno

Palmer Sandeno | Puyallup, WA | Community Building

Education: I am currently attending Washington State University (Go Cougs!) and am set to graduate in the Spring of 2023 with a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture.

Hometown: Olympia, Washington.

Why Parametrix? I grew up watching my dad working here and it inspired me to follow a similar path. The group of people here has always been a part of my life, as there has been many times that I have come to the office, visited sites with my dad, and such in the past.

Goals: From Parametrix, my goals are to meet new people and learn from them and be able to share a bit of my knowledge.

Future: In five years, I’m not entirely sure where I see myself, this internship thus far has been an incredibly enlightening experience, and if I can continue to have fun, make connections, work on interesting projects, and so on, I would be okay with that.

Personal: Besides Landscape Architecture, I play Saxophone, I have an interesting old car (1978 Toyota Cressida), I like drawing, reading, and enjoying time spent outdoors.

Abi Kretschmar

Abi Kretschmar | Portland, OR | Environmental Planning & Compliance

Education: I graduated from Oregon State University in Spring 2021 with a BS in Environmental Science with an Emphasis in Applied Ecology, a minor in Botany, and a certificate in GIS.

Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

Why Parametrix? I am participating in the MECOP program, but I was excited to be placed with Parametrix due to our work with EP&C and public agencies.   

Goals: I have a lot to learn from the lovely people on my team and I’m looking forward to getting a better idea of the scope of the work available to the GIS unit. I hope to learn more about how to represent engineering projects in GIS and environmental permitting, as well as polish my ArcOnline skills. I am looking forward to making connections with other offices and meaningfully contributing to as many projects as possible. I’m always excited to find new ways that GIS can expand the capabilities of a project.

Future: In five years I hope to have gained a couple of years of experience working as a GIS technician and used that knowledge to obtain my Master of Science in GIS or Geography. My goal is to be working at an environmentally-focused company like Parametrix as a GIS professional.

Personal: In my free time you can find me ballroom dancing, backpacking collecting lichens, or glassblowing. I currently live with a gaggle of roommates in Corvallis, Oregon.

Brandy Quach

Brandy Quach | Portland, OR | Transportation

Education: I am about to enter my senior year at Oregon State University. I am studying Civil Engineering and Sociology and hope to graduate Spring 2022.

Hometown: Portland, OR

Why Parametrix? Ultimately the people. The culture at Parametrix is very open, inviting, and everyone I met were so candid about how much they have enjoyed their time with the company. As a result, I knew that if I chose Parametrix, I would not only get the opportunity to learn more about engineering, but also be surrounded by great people.

Goals: I’m really excited to be a part of the Interstate Bridge Replacement project and participate in the different roles needed for the project. During this internship, I am most excited to learn about how engineers think – what they prioritize, consider, analyze, etc.

Personal: During quarantine, I gave into the craze and started baking and cooking a lot. A few of the recipes I tried were egg tarts, blueberry scones (failed twice), udon, laksa, and many more random dishes. My favorite was the laksa!

Natalie Chavez

Natalie Chavez | Portland, OR | Transportation

Education: I am pursuing my Master of Urban and Regional Planning degree at Portland State University. I will be finishing my program soon and graduating this summer.

Hometown: West Palm Beach, FL

Why Parametrix? Parametrix seems to have similar values by prioritizing equity and climate change. The work culture and team dynamic seem nurturing and collaborative, which makes me excited to be a part of this team.

Goals: I hope to build relationships within Parametrix and the community we are connecting with. I am excited to be involved in different projects and learning new roles. I am thrilled to hone my writing, design, and community engagement skills.

Future: I’m not completely sure, but I see myself working in the transportation sector actively working on projects that emphasize social, environmental, and transportation justice. And I see myself being a community liaison for my community and surrounding communities.

Personal: I like to go to concerts and eager that live shows are happening again. I like drawing and reading these days. I love swimming and exploring the city, especially in the summer.

Drew Kowalchuk

Drew Kowalchuk | Puyallup, WA | Transportation

Education: Montana State University, Construction Engineering Technology, 2024

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