By Irina Lapina, PWS
Southwest Butner Road is now better for fish and the community alike, thanks to a new culvert.
Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation completed improvements on a section of the Southwest Butner Road crossing at Johnson Creek in Beaverton, Oregon. The failing culvert was replaced with a new fish-passable concrete box culvert and Southwest Butner Road now features a wider roadway with bike lanes, sidewalks on each side, and a pedestrian crossing.
Parametrix provided design, a natural resources assessment, waters delineation report, fish passage plan, environmental permitting, construction support, and post construction compliance services for the project.
Today, residents enjoy safe walks to the Commonwealth Lake Park, St. Andrew Lutheran Church, and other parts of the neighborhood. The larger culvert not only serves as a safe passage for fish, but also reduces risk of flooding for homeowners and will reduce stream bank erosion in the park located downstream.
New stormwater detention and treatment facilities ensure better water quality flowing into Johnson Creek.
In a few years, native rose, ninebark, elderberry, Oregon grape, and snowberry planted along the stream will turn into habitat that provides shade, food, and shelter to birds, fish, and urban wildlife.
About the Author
Irina Lapina, PWS is a certified wetland scientist with experience working on utilities, energy, and transportation projects in the Pacific Northwest, including 5 years working on projects in the greater Portland area. She is skilled in wetland delineation; wetland, stream and vegetation corridor assessment; mitigation strategies; and environmental permitting. On her own time, Irina contributes to protection and restoring natural areas around Oregon by participating in beach cleanup weekends and tree planting in natural riparian areas throughout the Metro region.