Data Center Site Development Due Diligence

Parametrix has provided full technical due diligence services for more than 15 sites for this confidential client. In addition to self-performing many aspects of the work, we managed 3 to 5 subconsultants on each project. Parametrix added value in the following ways:

  • Our natural resources staff identified wetland resources early on two of the sites, allowing the master plan layouts to be adjusted to avoid or limit impacts to these wetlands.
  • The team adjusted conceptual master plans to avoid impacts to wetlands and to reduce grading and provide for full onsite infiltration and/or evaporation of stormwater.
  • We assisted with testimony letters to the local city and county to confirm that development of several sites was technically feasible relative to available public utility services.
  • Where our survey identified inconsistencies between survey and title reports at a few of the sites, we worked with the local county surveyors to resolve and correct inconsistencies.

Site utility reviews included extensive coordination with local utility purveyors, particularly port districts and cities. All standard scope items were conducted at these sites. Work beyond standard scope items involved expanded cultural and natural resource studies, delineations, and mitigation plans. Additional studies were required to account for wetland resources associated with an irrigation channel and cultural resources that were identified on two sites. This also necessitated additional master plan layout scenarios to avoid and reduce impacts to these resources and accommodate for shallow bedrock at these sites.

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