Ephrata Landfill Engineering Services

Parametrix has worked with Grant County since 1998 to evaluate solid waste disposal options; evaluate new site locations; permit the continued operation and eventual closure of an older landfill; and permit, design, and assist during construction of a new landfill. When we started working with the County the existing landfill was unlined and contributing to groundwater contamination. It was required to be closed as soon as possible. Parametrix worked with Grant County to design, permit, and construct the new landfill sooner than was originally proposed. The 18-acre cell for the new landfill includes composite bottom liner, leachate collection and transfer system, landfill haul and access improvements, a stormwater infiltration pond, and a leachate pond. We also prepared the final PS&E for the old landfill closure.

Parametrix continues to work with Grant County on landfill operations, future landfill phasing and operations, groundwater sampling and reporting, and landfill gas sampling and reporting. Our team also works with Grant County and their outside legal firm to conduct investigations, prepare a remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS), and implement an interim remedial action plan (IRAP). The corrective actions are required to remedy groundwater contamination caused by past practices at the old landfill.

Ephrata Landfill


Grant County

Ephrata, Washington


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