Fall City Floodplain Restoration

The goal of the project is to restore in-stream and riparian habitat within the Snoqualmie River, reconnect approximately 150 acres of floodplain, reduce flood and erosion risk, and provide benefits to agriculture. This project involves the removal and setback of the Haffner revetment on the right bank of the Snoqualmie River and the removal and setback of the Barfuse levee on the left bank.

The project will provide 145 acres of connected floodplain and nearly 1 mile of constructed or reconnected side-channels. The entire project footprint will be enhanced with native vegetation that will grow into the functioning floodplain forest. Work includes wood log structures, revetments, mass excavation, grading, instream channels, environmental compliance, erosion control, in-water work and diversion, revegetation, plantings, removal of invasive species, road construction, and multi-season construction/winter suspensions. Parametrix is providing construction management, documentation, inspection, and environmental services.

The project is expected reduce erosive flood damage and inundation in the project vicinity, lowering floodwater levels on approximately 300 surrounding acres. As the project matures and plants and trees grow, they will help to keep water cool and clean, improving water quality for fish and downstream residents.

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