FrontRunner Forward

FrontRunner is the commuter rail system providing service from Ogden to Provo along an 83-mile corridor, serving a total of 15 stations. The system was running on a single track over most of its length. To accommodate Utah’s growing population and the need for additional mobility options, UDOT and UTA are working to enhance the FrontRunner system.

Parametrix assessed ways to improve reliability and reduce delays across the system. The team determined that adding new passing sidings to the existing system was the best way to improve reliability and performance and decrease headways—in some cases, from 30 minutes down to 15 minutes. Together with the client, Parametrix identified four segments for double-tracking. The team then provided environmental documentation, including a NEPA categorical exclusion, and completed 25 percent design for the improvements. Work encompassed 5.8 miles of double track and revisions to four existing highway grade crossings. The project will provide for increased train speeds, improved reliability, and more frequent service, increasing overall capacity by at least 55 percent.


Utah Department of Transportation and Utah Transit Authority

Ogden to Provo, UT
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