The I-15 corridor is a vital link for the U.S. economy. From Southern California to Northern Utah, the corridor is 1,470 miles. It is the principal route linking coastal ports to inland population centers and connects with the nation’s three coast-to-coast, east-west highways: I-10, I-80, and I-90. Increasing cargo needs and population growth are resulting in severe congestion along segments of the corridor, leading to safety incidents. The I-15 Mobility Alliance—a partnership of public and private stakeholders including the Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah departments of transportation—is developing a comprehensive, multimodal master plan for the corridor.
The Alliance is prioritizing projects and policies of interregional significance, identifying shared priorities for competitive grant funding, and promoting efficient and effective investment in and operation of this critically important multi-state corridor. Parametrix developed an approach and a set of criteria to screen regional projects and identify the highest-priority, most inter-regionally significant projects along the I-15 corridor. We facilitated a workshop series that brought agency partners together across the four states to address transit, infrastructure, freight, and technology. The goal was to identify priority investments based on key themes: high-capacity transit, major infrastructure projects, freight, and alternative fuels/emerging technology. Through these workshops, participants evaluated over 700 projects and narrowed them down to the 22 highest-priority projects.
The initial plan master plan included a set of 15 mode-specific technical reports outlining the background and transportation data leading to the priorities outlined. An update included a baseline set of performance measures to monitor progress. Parametrix continues to support the Alliance by updating the prioritization of interregional projects and incorporating innovative solutions to address transportation needs: high-capacity transit, alternative fuels, emerging technologies, and freight movement.