I-40 Corridor Study, Arizona State Line to Atrisco Vista Boulevard

The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) is conducting a highway corridor study on I-40 from the Arizona State Line to the Atrisco Vista interchange in Albuquerque. The purpose of the I-40 Corridor Study is to identify corridor needs, develop and evaluate alternatives, and create a long-term improvement plan to address operations and safety for this section of I-40. Parametrix is leading the study which involves:

  • Data collection and analysis to understand where and why improvements are needed and what factors and existing conditions are contributing to safety and operational challenges.
  • Developing and evaluating alternatives to meet corridor needs and future traffic demands.
  • Developing a highway improvement plan to prioritize improvements and streamline project planning, design, and construction.

Data collection involves traffic, safety, freight demand, geometric, drainage, ROW, environmental, community, and other major issues. Potential solutions are being developed including mainline and frontage road strategies, ITS solutions, operational strategies, drainage needs, and others to meet projected demand and improve safety over the next 20 plus years. As part of the work, Parametrix is creating a digital twin of the project in GIS. The GIS-collected and analyzed information can easily be accessed and used by NMDOT in the future as projects move forward. Parametrix is also developing short- and long-term strategic ITS solutions and concept including broadband communications, connected vehicle solutions, smart work zones, commercial vehicle operations, road weather information systems, variable speed limit zones, data collection, and traffic management systems.

The study team considered several initial alternatives that included I-40 improvements and supporting operational enhancements, including various 2-lane and 3-lane concepts and supporting operational enhancements such as improving incident management, alternate routes, ITS, and transit. These alternatives were evaluated based on identified I-40 corridor needs including safety, traffic operations, future traffic growth, and reliability. Based on the screening, the study team identified two build alternatives and several operational enhancements that are proposed for more detailed evaluation. As part of next steps, the two build alternatives and operational enhancements will be developed and evaluated in more detail and the impacts will be compared to a No Build Alternative.

I-40 Corridor Study, Arizona State Line to Atrisco Vista Boulevard


New Mexico Department of Transportation

New Mexico


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