Keystone Bridge Project

The Keystone Avenue Bridge is a major structure over the Truckee River, connecting the Newlands Historic District and Old Southwest Reno to the Keystone business district, emerging Neon Line district, downtown Reno, and beyond through I-80. This project’s primary goals are to replace the structurally deficient bridge and improve multimodal connectivity through the corridor, consisting of residential, commercial, parks, schools, and historic properties. The existing bridge has four vehicle lanes and supports an average daily traffic volume of approximately 13,000 trips. The existing bridge does not have pedestrian or bicycle facilities.

Parametrix is leading a team to complete a feasibility study, alternatives analysis, NEPA process, permitting, final design, and construction assistance. During the feasibility study, the team is developing the preferred alternative by aligning understanding with project partners and the public. Alternatives being considered range from rehabilitation or replacement of the Keystone Avenue Bridge and adjacent approach roadway to a more comprehensive solution that also includes arterial intersection improvements, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and a crossing at Booth Street. We anticipate an interconnected effort between the bridge replacement and broader improvements within the project area.

Major considerations include maintenance of traffic during construction, constructability, lane and pedestrian configuration, west approach intersection, and potential linkages. The team will use a planning and environmental linkages (PEL) process to succinctly document the alternative development process, public and stakeholder involvement, and resource agency input to streamline the NEPA process.

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