Mt. Rose Corridor Study

The Mt. Rose Corridor Study defined a vision for future corridor improvements on the Mt. Rose Highway. As fast-paced development has occurred along the highway, numerous requests and concerns have been received by Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and other agencies for enhancements to the corridor. In addition, this segment of highway forms a transition from an urban setting on the east to a more suburban and rural feel on the west. The plan identified priority factors for the roadway, and the alternatives analysis evaluated how well different improvements met the corridor vision elements.

Parametrix led the planning elements of the corridor study, including identifying existing conditions, outlining the corridor vision, analyzing alternatives, and developing recommendations. We created a series of GIS maps and heatmaps for existing project conditions like safety and existing and planned land use. The project involved a combination of outreach and engagement activities, including in-person public meetings, online and virtual public meetings, virtual stakeholder webinars, and one-on-one conversations with area residents or interest groups.

The study culminated in a two-volume final report. The first volume was highly graphical and reader-friendly, while the second contained the technical documentation. Final corridor recommendations were connected to NDOT’s One Nevada prioritization process, setting up project recommendations to move into implementation and funding at NDOT. Parametrix also documented the entire process in an abbreviated initial PEL.


Nevada Department of Transportation

Reno, NV


CA Group, Inc

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