Oyster Bay Sewer Upgrades

This project is overhauling an aging sewer system along Oyster Bay with a goal to reduce the fecal coliform bacteria pollution and other pollution associated with sewage in Oyster Bay. The 50-year-old, 3,000-foot sewer main runs along Oyster Bay had become difficult to access and maintain. The City of Bremerton decided to decommission and abandon the sewer main and install 42 grinder pump stations on 37 private residential properties that will pump waste to a new sewer line along Shorewood Drive and Kitsap Way. There are 33 simplex grinder stations serving single family residences and 9 additional duplex stations at 4 other properties. The work also includes design of 3,600 linear feet of dual upland force main and low-pressure collection system improvements to eliminate sewage backups. An additional 12-inch main is being installed in preparation for a project several years down the road.

Parametrix performed all required site investigations, gathering design information unique to each property and performing critical public outreach. Because the project involved work within marine waters, several environmental permits and approvals were required. Parametrix providing planning, engineering, survey, and bidding and construction assistance of the improvements that are funded by Washington State Department of Ecology Clean Water State Revolving Fund.

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