The Silverdale Transit Center is intended to reduce vehicle miles traveled and allow for future transit network growth. Silverdale is a designated regional growth center. The transit center, part of a larger development, will act as a community hub to support the region’s future growth.
The transit center features the region’s first wireless in-ground bus charging system to support Kitsap Transit’s growing electric bus fleet. It also provides eight bus bays, shelters, vehicle parking, stormwater management facilities, ADA-accessible site improvements, sidewalks, bike lanes, bike storage, a bus driver comfort station, and a dedicated on-ramp for buses onto SR 303. It improves reliability and accessibility for transit riders and enhances access and mobility by connecting people to opportunities.
Parametrix has been involved with the project from site selection and planning through full design development and permitting. Services including civil engineering, traffic analysis, environmental reviews for NEPA and SEPA requirements, memorandum to document compliance with ESA Section 7 consultation requirements, electrical engineering, and survey. The project team facilitated stakeholder coordination with Kitsap County, WSDOT, Harrison Hospital, and Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Under a separate contract, Parametrix also provided construction management.