SR 305 Improvements: Winslow Ferry to Hostmark Street

This project provides safety and mobility improvements along the 11-mile SR 305 corridor from Poulsbo (Hostmark Street) to the Winslow Ferry on Bainbridge Island. The public and project working groups identified solutions for transportation demand management, intersection improvements, additional lane capacity, access control, transit priority treatments, bus stop improvements, and improved connections to bike and pedestrian facilities. Parametrix led the planning study and provided preliminary engineering, PS&E, and construction services for several improvement projects including replacement of three fish barrier culverts and design of the Johnson Parkway/SR 305 roundabout.

Parametrix developed corridor-specific tools to provide a corridor-wide comparison of the performance of different strategies from least cost to highest cost solutions. This comparison allowed decision makers to quickly identify low cost, practical solutions that would achieve the desired performance standards and meet the project needs. An understanding of these trade-offs and the context of the corridor needs provided decision makers with the information needed to balance system performance trade-offs with the competing priorities in the corridor.

SR 305, Winslow Ferry to Hostmark Street


Washington State Department of Transportation and Kitsap Transit

Bainbridge Island, WA
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