Tacoma Public Schools Program Management Services

Tacoma Public Schools successfully passed a $500M capital bond in 2013 and $535M bond in 2020 to build new schools and modernize existing ones. The 2013 bond measure included 14 projects spanning a planned 10-year capital development period and the 2020 bond includes the replacement and/or renovation of another 8 schools. Parametrix has provided program management services for both bond packages. This includes project controls services to augment the school district’s planning, design, and construction department in order to implement these large capital programs of concurrent projects. The contract is structured to allow us to increase and decrease our services, tasks desired, and projects to manage as needed and directed by the district throughout the capital bond program. Parametrix has completed or has in process over 300 projects for Tacoma Public Schools.

Parametrix has provided alternative project delivery advisory services for 13 progressive design-build projects and six GC/CM projects. We assisted the district to gain agency certification through Washington State’s Project Review Committee, allowing the district to self-determine the use of alternative delivery methods. Boze Elementary School was the first K-12 facility in Washington to use a  progressive design-build process.

Additional services include cost estimating, budget reconciliations, efficiency analysis, constructability reviews, value analysis reviews, wetlands mitigation, stormwater compliance, endangered species mitigation, and a full roster of site development requirements. Parametrix staff is located within the District’s Planning and Construction department on a full-time basis to facilitate collaboration with the TPS team and deliver high-quality customer service.

Tacoma Public Schools Program Management Services


Tacoma Public Schools

Tacoma, WA
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