Tulalip Water Pipeline

The Tulalip Water Pipeline is a partnership between the Tulalip Tribes and the City of Everett. The 40,400-foot pipeline consists of construction of a combined 30-, 36-, and 48-inch-diameter water transmission main from the City of Everett to the Tulalip Tribes Quil Ceda Business Park, delivering up to 36 million gpd. Parametrix has been assisting the Tribe and the City with development of planning and predesign of the pipeline for several years. We were the prime consultant for the initial feasibility study and during the predesign and design phases, we were a subconsultant to MWH Global. Our efforts included environmental and construction permitting for the entire pipeline and coordination with WSDOT for traffic control associated with construction sequencing on state right-of-way. Parametrix provided surveying to assist in the right-of-way determination for approximately 3 miles of the project on the Tulalip Reservation, requiring extensive research with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and County to determine the property boundaries and legal ownership of the tribal lands. Parametrix has provided construction services for all segments.

Most recently, Parametrix designed Segment 9 consisting of approximately 14,000 linear feet of 24-inch ductile iron pipe and fittings, two pressure reducing valves, two control valves, a 3-mgd booster pump station, and a 400,000-gallon storage reservoir with automated controls. We coordinated with multiple stakeholders during project planning, facility siting, and additional project needs such as data conduit design and wetlands delineation. Parametrix used BIM 3D modeling technology for design of the booster pump station. This model can be imported into our virtual reality interface as a real-world model for client observation.

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