Our Work
Tribal communities of all sizes manage a balance between economic growth, social and cultural values, and environmental sustainability. In partnership with tribal governments, we provide the tools to help tribes meet their goals to build healthy, livable communities that offer infrastructure, housing, employment, education, recreation, and opportunities for economic development while preserving the local traditions that define a people and a place.
We have worked with tribes, pueblos, and rancherias to plan and design water, wastewater, roads, broadband, education, and critical infrastructure. In support of tribal self-determination through economic development, we have assisted with the fee-to-trust process, designed fueling stations, and planned and executed casino expansions. We provide cultural resource identification and protection, often as part of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), but also directly for tribal projects, ensuring that heritage areas are protected from projects that could impact sacred tribal lands. We frequently assist tribal clients in identifying and obtaining grant funding through our understanding of Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) processes, other governmental funding programs, and innovative partnerships.
Tribal WORK